Specialized Turbo Connect Display 35 mm Mount | Accessories & Components |Cyklo69.cz - Specialized Concept Store

Specialized Turbo Connect Display 35 mm Mount

Price: 389 Kč
(16 €)
Availability: In stock
Code: 48121-1410
Securely holds your Turbo Connect Display/Speedzone 2 computer.
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Please note that the range and climb estimates from this calculator are based upon typical conditions—outside temperature, trail and road conditions, bike condition, rider position, and clothing will vary. Some examples include extreme temperatures, deep mud or sandy conditions, things like excessive tire or drivetrain wear, rider position, or large, flappy clothing may negatively impact real-world range and climbing results.

Fill the height in centimeters between 130 and 244 cm.
Fill the weight in centimeters between 30 and 136 kg.
Fill the avarage speed in kilometer per hour between 5 and 40 kph.

Get Range
  • Price: 389 Kč
    (16 €)
  • Availability: In stock
  • Code: 48121-1410